Recap: Presto Summit SF 2019
July 1, 2019
Amelia Wong

What’s Presto Summit? It’s the leading Presto conference co-organized by our partner Starburst Data and the Presto Software Foundation.

Overview of the Summit

  • Presto is among the fastest growing open source analytical query frameworks with production use cases across industries such as retail, telco, tech and more
  • This was a full house event at Twitter HQ with more than 150 attendees
  • Excellent keynote on the future of Presto delivered by Martin Traverso, Dain Sundstrom, and David Phillips – the co-creators of Presto and co-founders of the Presto Software Foundation (slides)

What We Learned

  • Presto is high performance and has rich functionalities designed for interactive SQL queries
  • Rise of cloud deployments of Presto both all cloud as well as hybrid cloud are growing. There is a need to simplify hybrid deployments which currently include making copies of data in the cloud and in some cases to HDFS and managing the Hadoop cluster.
  • Big data workloads are increasingly looking for simpler compute orchestration and adopting Kubernetes. Starburst Presto announced a new Kubernetes operator to simplify deployment and scaling of clusters.

Reasons to try the Presto, Alluxio, and Any Storage Stack

Learn more: Starburst Presto and Alluxio announce strategic OEM partnership | Presto with Alluxio | Download Alluxio

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