“Zero-Copy” Hybrid Bursting with no App Changes

This whitepaper details how to leverage any public cloud (AWS, Google Cloud Platform, or Microsoft Azure) to scale analytics workloads directly on on-prem data without copying and synchronizing the data into the cloud. We will show an example of what it might look like to run on-demand Starburst Presto, Spark, and Hive with Alluxio in the public cloud using on-prem HDFS.

The paper also includes a real world case study on a leading hedge fund based in New York City, who deployed large clusters of Google Compute Engine VMs with Spark and Alluxio using on-prem HDFS as the underlying storage tier.

“Zero-Copy” Hybrid Bursting with no App Changes

This whitepaper details how to leverage any public cloud (AWS, Google Cloud Platform, or Microsoft Azure) to scale analytics workloads directly on on-prem data without copying and synchronizing the data into the cloud. We will show an example of what it might look like to run on-demand Starburst Presto, Spark, and Hive with Alluxio in the public cloud using on-prem HDFS.

The paper also includes a real world case study on a leading hedge fund based in New York City, who deployed large clusters of Google Compute Engine VMs with Spark and Alluxio using on-prem HDFS as the underlying storage tier.


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