Iceberg + Alluxio for Fast Data Analytics
December 14, 2021
Beinan Wang

This talk provides an overview of the read-after-write data consistent mechanism in the Alluxio system. Alluxio Core Maintainer and Presto Committer share their recent work on Alluxio and Apache Iceberg integration, as well as some recent work from the Presto community on Iceberg connector.


December 14, 2021

This talk provides an overview of the read-after-write data consistent mechanism in the Alluxio system. Alluxio Core Maintainer and Presto Committer share their recent work on Alluxio and Apache Iceberg integration, as well as some recent work from the Presto community on Iceberg connector.


Presentation Slides:

Iceberg + Alluxio for Fast Data Analytics from Alluxio, Inc.

This talk provides an overview of the read-after-write data consistent mechanism in the Alluxio system. Alluxio Core Maintainer and Presto Committer share their recent work on Alluxio and Apache Iceberg integration, as well as some recent work from the Presto community on Iceberg connector.

Presentation Slides:

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