Workshop: Presto on Alluxio Hands-On Lab
November 12, 2019
Bin Fan
Kamil Bajda-Pawlikowski
Martin Traverso


This hands-on training run by the creators of Presto and Alluxio will cover how to get started with Presto and Alluxio. Attendees will get hands-on experience launching the EC2 instance, exploring the Alluxio filesystem and cluster status, and running queries with Presto on Alluxio where you’ll experience the performance benefits of using Alluxio in your analytics stack.

Presto is a widely popular sql query engine, and it is great for interactive sql analytics. However, when the data is remote or in object stores, performance becomes a challenge. Alluxio can improve Presto’s query performance by using Alluxio as a distributed cache layer co-located with Presto. Presto with Alluxio brings together two open source technologies to give you better performance and multi-cloud capabilities for interactive analytic workloads. Presto’s open source distributed SQL query engine coupled with Alluxio enables true separation of storage and compute for data locality and provides memory speed response time and aggregate data from any file or object store.

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