Online Meetup: AWS S3 + Alluxio + Presto = ❤️ The Ryte Use Case
October 10, 2019
Danny Linden

At Ryte, we analyze unstructured, semi-structured and structured data for more than one million users worldwide. The whole Ryte-Platform is built with a scalable architecture to support our heavy load and make it possible for our customers to drill-down from a high-level overview into the last byte of their websites.

In this presentation, I will show why & how we solve some challenging technical issues, improve the speed, and reduce costs of our AWS EMR Hadoop & Presto -Backend with Alluxio to an awesome level!


  • What is Ryte: Platform to optimize your Online-Marketing
  • Requirements for the Ryte-Platform
  • Why we use Presto on AWS EMR with S3
  • When problems pop-up
  • How we solve them with Alluxio in a perfect way

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