What is GPU Acceleration: A Data Science Powerhouse

In the ever-expanding realm of AI (artificial intelligence) and big data, scientists, engineers and technologists continuously push the boundaries of complex algorithms. To keep pace with the ever-growing data volume and better cope with processing massive datasets in a timely manner, powerful tools are needed. This is where GPU acceleration steps in, offering a significant leap in performance.

GPU acceleration, or graphics processing unit acceleration is a computing technique that utilizes not only central processing units (CPU), but also graphics processing units (GPU) to accelerate performance of data intensive applications.

What is a CPU?

Traditional CPUs (central processing units) contain a few powerful cores with large memory. Being recognized as the “brain” of computers, the CPU is capable of performing a wide variety of tasks, handling or switching between sequences of different instructions rapidly. 

What is a GPU? What are the differences between CPU & GPU?

Beyond the fancy graphics card in your computer lies a powerhouse processor – the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Unlike CPUs with a few cores optimized for a wide range of sequential and complex tasks, GPU is a processor made up of large numbers of smaller but specialized cores. This means GPUs can handle massive amounts of similar tasks simultaneously, making them ideal for accelerating machine learning and other data-intensive tasks in the AI field. 




Small amount of powerful cores (2~64)

Large amount of less powerful cores (hundreds or thousands)

Serial instruction processing

Parallel instruction processing

Good for complicated sequential instructions

Good for similar parallel instructions

Emphasize low Latency

Emphasize High throughput

GPU Acceleration for AI and Machine Learning

CPUs are capable of handling and switching between various tasks quickly. However, when it comes to AI and machine learning, a parallel processing specialist is needed. 

With its parallel processing architecture, GPU can significantly improve the processing speed of data science workflows. Data is transferred to the GPU’s memory, where it tackles similar computation tasks simultaneously. This dramatically reduces processing times and improves the overall efficiency of data intensive applications:

  • Machine Learning: Training complex machine learning models often involves manipulating enormous datasets. GPUs can significantly reduce training times by tackling these computations in parallel.
  • Deep Learning: Deep learning is an algorithm utilizing neural-network architecture, where computers process data and train models using a way inspired by human’s brain. Deep learning algorithms rely on intricate neural networks that require substantial processing power. GPUs excel at these computationally intensive tasks, leading to faster development and deployment of deep learning models.

Supercharge Your GPU with Alluxio

While GPUs offer tremendous processing power, data access bottlenecks can hinder their effectiveness —- they’re only as fast as the data they can access. Alluxio’s Enterprise AI platform bridges the gap between your lightning-fast GPUs and your data, wherever it resides.

Sitting in the middle of compute and storage, Alluxio can work across model training and serving in the machine learning pipeline to achieve optimal speed and cost. Alluxio also works with popular AI frameworks like PyTorch, Ray, Apache Spark, and TensorFlow. Provides the AI engines with fast access to large amounts of data, whether structured or unstructured, on-prem, in public clouds or with hybrid deployments across regions.

Key features include: 

  • Accelerate Data Pipeline: Deliver up to 20x training performance and up to 10x model serving speed compared to commodity storage.
  • Maximize GPU Utilization: Boost GPU utilization to 97%+ by eliminating data stalls. Keep your GPUs continuously fed with data.
  • Leverage GPUs Anywhere: Run AI workloads wherever your GPUs are – on-premises, in the cloud, or in hybrid environments, ideal for distributed or limited GPU resources.
  • Reduce Infrastructure Costs: Provide a software-only solution that utilizes your existing data lake storage without investing in expensive HPC storage

By incorporating Alluxio alongside your existing GPU environment, your data read/write for machine learning, including datasets, checkpoints, and model weights can be managed efficiently, which further accelerates model training by reducing data loading times and enables rapid model deployment, accelerating the entire data pipeline for AI.

Additional Resources

Learn how to burst your AI & analytics workloads with Alluxio